Friday, 27 November 2009


My posts have been somewhat hurried and petite of late, and I would apologise profusely, had I not been working on some lovely little treat for my trusty blog readers. Next week heralds the start of December, which means most of us will start the day with a bell/holly/present/indistinguishable Christmas item shaped chocolate and, in the style of a turkey, gobble our way up the advent til Christmas Eve. But while you're licking your chocolately fingers clean, why not satisfy your beady fashionista eyes on my visual blog advent extravaganza! From the 1st til the 24th December, when the clock strikes midnight, a new post will appear with a lovely fashion themed picture as we count the days til the big fat red beardy man brings us LOTS of presents! How marvellous, I can hardly wait myself even though I know what stylish treat each day brings!
I shall sign off with one of my favourite Chanel adverts of all time. I remember watching this advert on TV when I was a 90s legginged child. Shows what subliminal messaging can do to the soft vulnerable squidgy brain of an infant; maybe it's to blame for my worrying obsession with all things Chanel.

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