Tuesday, 17 November 2009


There I was, innocently looking into what now seems quite a tame blog about soft furnishings adorned with the union jack, when I fell into the little guilty hotspot that is Femail on the Daily Mail's website, and.... well, the picture speaks for itself. KATE. What. Are. You. Doing. The last thing I want this blog to turn into is me pointing my finger at celebs with a self directed circle of shame, but this really takes the proverbial biscuit. I gave the picture a double take, clicked away, clicked back again, toyed with the idea of writing about it, clicked away again, hastily rushed back and here we are now. Staring at leggings. Jumpers. Belts. I don't even quite know where to begin but I think I'm safe in assuming the same thoughts are rushing through your head as in mine as I type this. In such desperate times when brilliant designers such as Luella are slipping into the deepest darkest potholes of the recession, fashion needs to put on a brave face and look fabulous. If supermodels are trotting about looking like this, then I'm not surprised fabulous fashion houses are faltering. It makes me want to ditch the 2.55 and crawl under a rock in Per Una clothing with nothing to eat but spam and nothing to watch but Antiques Roadshow. OK, so it's not that bad. But it's pretty dire. Sort it out, please?!
Link to Miss Dross Moss

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