Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Chanel shoes for a tenner....

I think the novelty of the snow wore off quite sharply when I discovered the Christmas turkey wasn't nestled snuggly in the freezer compartment in our garage, but laying anonymously along some supermarket shelf. Panic set in. To think, the staple of our Christmas day feast had not been secured! And any adversary reassurance that all would be fine was dashed by another blizzard of snowflakes, bringing the approximate depth of the snow outside my doorstep up to the dizzying heights of six or seven inches. The manic and dangerous outing to our local Waitrose to secure said turkey has not been my only outing of the last 5 days; I made a rather exciting dash home across the woodlands with some emergency sausage rations today, and yesterday travelled the length of the common and took two trains just to see one of my oldest and dearest friends, returning home with a much sought after panda hat. I don't think I've ever been so excited to go to a crippled run down shopping mall full of pigeon droppings, or entered River Island with such vigor, but desperate times call for desperate measures. For anyone numerically challenged, I have left the house a grand total of THREE times in the last five days. To shy away from the kind of stir craziness that should be harnessed well and truly in the film stills of The Shining, I have decorated the Christmas trees, tidied the larder, read every magazine in the house, ordered a new hoover and I even stooped to such levels of boredom that I gave my nails a leopard print finish. Tacky.
But the snow hasn't been all bad news. Money has been burning a hole in my pocket and without adequate shopping trips, I reverted to trusted eBay, and have managed to snaffle up not only a Louis Vuitton vernis wallet for the not too shabby price of £50, but I've unbelievably bought a pair of vintage Chanel shoes for £10. Typical of the classic design, the pumps are red suede with black leather toes. They are my size, but whether they will fit a treat or not is yet to be revealed! I'm sure I'll take pictures of them when they arrive; Christmas has come early for me!

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